Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bike Polo at Krugel Park Wednesday nights

So we started playing Bike polo in Krugel park Wednesday nights starting at 6:30. There have been many entertaining discussions as to the rules and even more collisions as we get used to riding our bikes with big mallets. It started a little slow with only a hand full of players, but has picked up considerably the past few weeks. The pictures are from one of our biggest turnouts of four on four. Since then I missed a week and then brought my family to view the spectical and ended up playing in my flip flops a very bad idea. I sustained a severe sprained ankle in a "brake away" attempt at scoring. If you should decide to join us on a beautiful
Wednesday night bring shoes, a mallet and bike that can take a little beating. It has been a lot of fun and the kids like watching and riding too.


  1. Sunny, summer evening at Krugel Park. A few bikes, make shift mallets, and the "polo spirit"...what more you could you ask for? You guys are having too much fun. Hope the ankle heals quickly. Knock one in for me when your back in the saddle.

  2. Reeeeeeese! I didn't know you sprained your ankle so bad. :( Are you back in the saddle?

  3. Most of the pain is gone... and most of the motion is back, it was bad. I went trail riding yesterday and didn't notice it, so it is doing pretty good. I would say I'm functioning at about 80%.
